Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's taken hours of travel, a fortune in petrol, rows, tears, weight gain/loss but finally you have "The Dress"!
No matter how fabulous your dress is you're going to need a little jewellery & as we all know diamonds are a girls best friend. I have yet to hear any woman deny this....
So, what to wear. If you dress is already pretty 'bling' or heavily beaded, don't go over the top with your jewellery as it will distract from your dress as the eye won't know where to look or what to focus on - less is more!
If your dress is elegantly simply, you can wear all the bling you can afford :) Here's some tips to get the ball rolling....
1. Wait to shop for your jewellery until after you've purchased your wedding dress, veil, and or headpiece.
2. If you're wearing a headpiece, skip the necklace.
3. Wear a top with the same neckline as your wedding dress while trying on necklaces. You'll get a better sense of the overall look of the piece.
4. Something borrowed, something blue.... If you can't afford or don't have diamonds, borrow them or you could wear a sapphire bracelet & earrings as your traditional 'something blue.'
5. Wear a piece of jewellery from your Mum's collection for that sentimental touch.
6. Personalise your wedding or engagement ring by engraving your wedding date or initials on the inside of the band.
7. Choose matching gems otherwise THEY WILL CLASH....
8. PLEASE don't wear a watch. I don't care how expensive it is - NOT on your wedding day....
Guess what someone told me you had to wear one, looking back I don't know why??????

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